Deactivate Built-in Devices (USB/PS2, Event, etc.) – Lenovo Built-in Keyboard¶
ls* etc commands show you usb devices connected
# ls
ls lsb_release lshw lsirq lsmem lsof lsusb
lsattr lscpu lsinitramfs lslocks lsmod lspci
lsblk lsfd lsipc lslogins lsns lspgpot
But actually, I was able to find my keyboard. A command can also be helpful for discovering it, as it only shows USB devices.
# head /sys/bus/hid/drivers/*/*/*/*/name
Evtest is a useful tool, and it can be leveraged to capture and block events.
evtest (tool must be install via apt)
$ evtest
No device specified, trying to scan all of /dev/input/event*
Available devices:
/dev/input/event0: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
/dev/input/event1: Wacom Pen and multitouch sensor Pen
/dev/input/event11: ThinkPad Extra Buttons
/dev/input/event14: TPPS/2 Elan TrackPoint
To block events form this devices execute
$ evtest --grab /dev/input/event0 > /dev/null &
evtest --grab /dev/input/event1 > /dev/null &
evtest --grab /dev/input/event11 > /dev/null &
evtest --grab /dev/input/event14 > /dev/null &
Release you build in Keybards
$ killall -9 evtest

Why it can be usefull?¶
For example, if the built-in keyboard with a trackpoint on a notebook stops working properly—like what happened to me—there’s often no real solution except replacing it. On my Lenovo P1 Gen2, after three years of use, some keys (like “v”) only work sporadically.
Of course, I will replace the keyboard (very bad, Lenovo!), but for now, I’ve placed an external keyboard on top of my laptop. However, this unintentionally presses the built-in keys and trackpoint, causing issues. Disabling the built-in keyboard has made me happy again!