München, 17.03.2025



☎ +49 1772597575


Vladislav Vorobev

Bergmannstraße 25
80339 München

Interests and Objective

I am a Software Developer/Ops professional passionate about innovation, problem-solving, and continuous learning. My expertise spans Backend, Microservices, Full Stack Development, Web, IoT, Big Data, Databases, and Cloud-Native technologies.

I have experience with Agile methodologies (e.g., Scrum), TDD, SOLID principles, automated testing, code readability, and maintainability.

My primary tech stack includes Linux, Python, Hazelcast, Kafka, Pyramid, FastAPI, Spark/pySpark, aiohttp, AWS Glue, Zope, Django, Flask, Vert.x, Grails; Ops Stack including Docker, LXC, Kubernetes, and Nomad (for Bare-Metal and Cloud environments); DBMS’s like MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB etc.; UI like HTML, CSS, JavaScript;

I am actively exploring PostGIS, Leaflet, PySpark, TensorFlow, PyTorch, PyArrow, Mathlib, Blockchain, Rust and Delta Lake

Last projects / employment

Project name or position



E-Commerce Platform with Custom Integrations, ERP Product Synchronization, and Image Processing



SAP Automated Audit Framework



Software Developer Automotive



Design and Development of a Distributed Self-Audit Framework



Backend Developer Java & Python & AWS



Processing data from the Emergency Brake Assist and Lane Assist systems


MAN Truck & Bus

Development of IoT cloud connectors for cross-platform communication



Analytical software for online marketing purposes


FitnessClubs AV

Localized Online Shop and Warehouse Management System for the Global Market. 01.2013 – 12.2015


Before 2015, I worked on projects as well as in regular positions


For full descriptions, see the Last projects / employment details section below.


map to buried treasure
map to buried treasure

University of Applied Sciences of Cologne (FH-Köln)


Faculty: Informationstechnik in der Nachrichtentechnik
  • Title: Dipl.-Ing. Elektrotechnik

  • Diploma thesis topic: Developed a neural network-based system for image region detection and character classification, implementing Hu Moments for translation, rotation, and scale invariance in C programming.

Lomonosov-University 2005–2006
  • Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetic (student exchange program)

Seminars 2005-2008
  • Negotiation skills, Leave and work in global oriented world, International Project Management across borders, English (WSI), And other…

map to buried treasure
map to buried treasure

Telefonbau Nagel GmbH, Cologne / Georg-Simon-Ohm-Berufskolleg 1999–2002

  • Double qualification as IT-Systemelektroniker by Telefonbau Nagel GmbH (now Simply Communicate).


Software Development

Programming, markup languages and tools
Most Frequently Used Programming Languages
  • Expert: Python (large Projects), Groovy/JVM

  • Proficient: Java, JavaScript, PHP, C, C++

  • Currently Learning: Rust

The most commonly used markup languages and protocols
  • HTML, CSS, Chameleon, ZPT, Liquid, jinja2, GSP, JSP, Jinja2, DTML, reStructuredText/Sphinx, Markdown/MkDocs, etc.

Data exchange standards

JSON, XML, JWT, Protocol Buffers, etc.

Frameworks / libraries
  • Pyramid, FastAPI, aiohttp, asyncio, Vert.x, Grails, Zope2, zope, Scrapy, pySpark, Bootstrap, pytest, unittests…

  • also experience with Django, Plone, Flask, Tornado, AngularJS,…

Concepts, architectural styles and patterns
  • client-server, microservices, event-driven, monolithic, service-oriented, TDD, Code Readability, SOLID, etc..

  • RESTful, RPC, oauth, etc API…

Relational databases (RDBMS)
  • Knowledge of SQL and RDBMS such as PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB

  • ORM-Mappers like: SQLAlchemy, Django ORM, GORM, Hibernate, HQL

NoSQL, In-Memory Grids, Task-Queues, and Caches
  • MongoDB, Cassandra, ZODB, Neo4j, etc.”

  • Kafka, Celery, RabbitMQ, Hazelcast, Redis, and Memcached.”

  • Knowledge of major software testing methods and concepts, such as unit, integration, functional, and end-to-end testing, etc.

  • Extensive experience with unittest, pytest, mocks, JUnit, and Spock

  • Tracing OpenTelemetry

System Administration, IT Operations, Cloud, and DevOps

Operation systems
  • Linux, Windows, iOS

  • Miscellaneous Linux-based distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine, openSUSE, Arch, SailFish, etc.

Operations, build, CI/CD pipelines, orchestration, cloud etc.
  • Bare Metal Hosting, VM hosting, Containers like LXC, Docker, etc.

  • Kubernetes (Calico, MetalLB, Ingress-Nginx)

  • Experience with AWS, GCP, Azure; (Including API’s HTTP and Python)

  • Container Repository, Compose, Jenkins, Concourse CI

  • Experience with Hashicorp stack (Terraform, Nomad, Packer, Consul)

  • GIT, Mercurial (hg), SVN, Gradle, pip, setuptools, Buildout

  • Bitbucket, GitHub, CI /CD, redmine, Atlassian Stack (Confuence, Jira)

  • High availability, web caching, proxies, load balancing, clustering, and cloud deployment

  • Nginx, Apache, Memcached, Varnish, Pound, HAProxy, Heartbeat/Linux-HA, Squid

  • Docker, LXC, KVM, QEMU, virtlib, cgroups, Hashicorp Stack (Nomad, Consul, Vault)

Network software, protocols, monitoring, emailing
  • Hardware, Software, Network monitoring with: Nagios, Munin, Zabbix, Grafana, etc.

  • Tracers/Metrics: OpenTelemetry, Zipkin, Prometheus

  • Mailing: Exim, Spamassassin, Dovecot, Courier, etc.

  • Working with protocols such as DNS, LDAP, TCP, IP, TCP/IP, RPC, HTTP, SSL, REST, FTP, POP, SMTP, IMAP, WebSockets, and SockJS, as well as technologies like Samba, load balancing, and routing.

  • Experience in network aggregation (Cisco/Dell) and Linux bonding, as well as BGP routing.

  • Concepts like

  • Certificate and key management with OpenSSL, GnuPG, Letsencrypt.org, JWT, oauth

  • Net Filters like iptables/nftables; Diverse Sniffer-tools like wireshark, netcat, tcpdump

  • LDAP Authentication (against Microsoft Domain Controller or OpenLDAP)

  • Experience with protocols as SSL, ssh, IPSec, VPN

Cloud providers

Experience with cloud providers: Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, eXtollo, and Hetzner at different levels of expertise. Familiar with services such as Blob Storage, Databricks, Athena, Glue, Spark, etc.


  • Dev/Integration of ERP system in company over 250 employers

  • Understanding of E-Commerce processes; Integration ERP/CRM systems, E-payment system APIs such as PayPal, credit card providers, and Stripe.

  • Experience with APIs from Facebook, X (Twitter), Google, VK, LinkedIn, Telegram, Yandex, and PayPal.

  • Understanding of SEO; Microdata (schema.org); Understanding of Targeting, remarketing and programmatic concepts (adServer, SSP, DSP etc.)

  • Shopify API, Shopify Templating (Liquid)

  • Successful integration of diverse open source Redmine, Jira, Bitbucket, Karl

  • Experience with APIs from Wikimedia, Confluence, Jira, Bitbucket, and GitHub

  • Proficient in linting and formatting tools across multiple languages, including PEP8, Black, Ruff, Pylint, Pyright/Pylance, and Mypy for Python; Clang-Tidy and Cppcheck for C/C++; and Checkstyle, PMD, and SpotBugs for Java. Experienced with editors and IDEs such as VSCode, Vim, Zed, KDevelop, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, Eclipse, and Kate. Code Analysis Tools SonarQube, CodeQL for vulnerability and issue detection.

  • Understanding of DevOps, Infrastructure as Code, and GitOps concepts

  • Familiarity with UML, test automation, event bus, message queue, DDD, etc.

  • Software tracing with OpenTelemetry (OpenTracing + OpenCensus), Zipkin, OpenJager etc…

  • Web crawlers for large-scale data collection using Python Scrapy, Beautiful Soup, and asynchronous processing

  • Using LLMs in daily work

Non IT skills

Agile professional, prioritizing safety, customer focus, and responsible decision-making. Experienced in leading and managing international IT teams (up to 15 members, including remote workers). Strong skills in project organization, staffing, leadership, time management, and remote team coordination.

Speaking languages

  • German – Native

  • Russian - Native

  • English – Proficient

Last projects / employment details

E-Commerce Platform with Custom Integrations, ERP Product Synchronization, and Image Processing

map to buried treasure

12.2024 - 02.2025, Munich

Company: DesignWeltDeko, Role: IT Consulting / Software Developer / Full Stack; Type: Consulting Project

Integrating an e-commerce platform based on Shopify using Liquid templates. Developing and implementing product management software with real-time synchronization for Shopify, enabling seamless product and image updates. Implementing customer support management features. Deploying Kubernetes hosting for source data, including images and an in-house ERP system.

Tech Stack:

APIs, REST API, GraphQL, Python, Pandas, Google Analytics, PyArrow, SQL, Excel, csv, Linux, Docker, Kafka, Celery, Printing, Kubernetes (Calico, MetalLB, Ingress-Nginx), Hetzner

SAP Automated Audit Framework

map to buried treasure

06.2024 - 12.2024, Walldorf

Company: SAP SE; Role: Software Engineer; Type: Consulting Project

Feature development for compliance and auditing software, focusing on improvements and code quality. Responsibilities included implementing new features, refactoring the Python codebase, and upgrading to newer Python and library versions. Note: Follow-up on the project in collaboration with SAP, see Design and Development of a Distributed Self-Audit Framework 05.2019 – 12.2022, Walldorf.

Tech stack:

FastAPI, REST API, Linux, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Docker, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, Python, Pyramid, pytest, OAuth implementation, Single Sign-On (SSO).

Software Developer Automotive

map to buried treasure

01.2023 - 05.2024, Stuttgart

Company: Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart; Role: Software Developer Automotive; Type: Permanent Position

Optimized microservices-based applications for battery test data analysis and executed cloud migration.

Tech stack:

Python, FastAPI, Multiprocessing, Pandas, Arrow, Windows, Linux, Docker, Azure (Databrics, Blobs, VM’s, SQL, Spark, etc.), Svelte, MongoDB, Parquet, csv, Delta, Dalta Lake

Design and Development of a Distributed Self-Audit Framework

map to buried treasure

05.2019 – 12.2022, Walldorf

Company: SAP SE; Role: evelopment Consulting Engineer; Type: Consulting Project

Design and development of a microservices-based distributed software system for automating corporate audit processes. Standardized, lightweight software components were implemented to operate independently within different departments (on client systems), where data states required for audits are collected and evaluated. Alerts about audit-related issues must be sent to customers, while centralized server components are used to generate reports and provide visualization for external auditors. All components are designed to handle high loads and network disruptions (operate offline) without data loss.

Tech stack:

Python, TCP, HTTP, SSL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, WebSocket, Linux, RESTful API, OpenAPI, sqlite, Pyramid, FastApi, asyncio, minio, multiprocessing, threading, aiohttp, pytest, Docker, Kafka, minio, AWS, Google Clound (GCP), Kubernetes

Continued work on Project, please see: sap_2024

Backend Developer Java & Python & AWS

map to buried treasure
map to buried treasure

05.2018 – 12.2021, Munich

Company: Skoobe GmbH (Munich); Role: Big Data Engineer; Type: Consulting Project

Skoobe operates a popular subscription service within a large-scale infrastructure. Its technology stack includes mobile apps (Android, iOS), REST APIs, databases, monolithic applications, and microservices. Skoobe GmbH is a member of the Tolino Alliance.

  • Migration of microservices from Python v2.7 to Python v3, and from Java to Python

  • Development of microservices in Python (asynchronous) and Java

  • Development of REST APIs

  • Development of GraphQL servers and APIs

  • Support during the migration of monolithic applications to microservices, including DevOps assistance.

  • Writing and maintaining documentation

  • Migration of the finance reporting system from Python 2 to Python 3 and to the cloud (AWS).

Tech stack:

it.tool.python`2/3, FastAPI, Django, Tornado, asyncio, RESTful API, RPC API’s Java, Docker, Jenkins, AWS, :ref:`mysql, Docker, HashiCorp stack, Nomad nginx, python, LXML, SQLAlchemy, Hazelcast, Hibernate (Java ORM), Ubuntu, Alpine, Consul, Service Discovery, OpenAPI, Pydantic, Microservices, LXC, Packer, GraphQL, NoSQL, SQL

Processing data from the Emergency Brake Assist and Lane Assist systems

map to buried treasure

01.2018 - 05.2020, Munich

Company: MAN Truck & Bus AG (Munich); Role: Backend Developer; Type: Consulting Project

Processing data from Emergency Brake Assist and Lane Assist systems: Developed software to process CAN-BUS files (BLF, DBC, and MDF 4.x) for future graphical analysis. Buses and trucks collect data and store it in AWS S3 storage (terabytes of data).

  • Serialize and classify terabytes of raw data

  • Create alerts and triggers based on data.

  • Migrate software from on-premise servers to the AWS cloud.

Tech stack:

apache spark (pyspark), Hadoop (hdfs), Apache Parquet, aws, gluejobs, spark inside glue-jobs, aws Athena, Impala/Hive, Linux, Docker, pytests etc.

Development of IoT cloud connectors for cross-platform communication

map to buried treasure

01.2016 – 12.2018, Munich

Company: Mozaiq Operations GmbH (Munich); Role: IoT Developer and DevOps Engineer; Type: Consulting Project

Mozaiq develops an IoT platform that simplifies connecting consumer devices and services. Its online marketplace enables an open ecosystem where IoT vendors and service providers collaborate to create new products. Shareholders include ABB, Bosch, and Cisco.

The platform features an asynchronous, microservices-oriented architecture using Vert.x and Grails (UI) within a Scrum team. Development is done in Groovy (JVM), Java, and Python, with automated and integration tests in Spock and Python. The team builds connectors for manufacturers like Bosch/Siemens (BSH), Osram, Philips, Netatmo, and Regardia. The system runs on Docker and Kubernetes in GCP, with OpenCensus-based tracing.

Key Tasks and Concepts:
  • Asynchronous, microservices-oriented architecture

  • Horizontally scalable and highly available platform-based microservice cluster (GCP + Kubernetes), with Concourse-CI and Jenkins pipelines

  • High requirements for data security

  • Interoperability of devices, independent of the manufacturer, via the MOZAIQ cloud

  • Integration of clouds from different manufacturers (including direct gateways)

  • Marketplace for measures and use cases

  • A true Scrum team

  • Infrastructure as code

  • RESTful API

Tech stack:
  • Vert.x – Develop a polyglot, event-driven application framework that runs on the Java Virtual Machine as the core of the microservice.

  • Grails, Docker, MongoDB Cluster (Replicas + Sharding), Hazelcast, Groovy, Java, Gradle, GORM (Java/Groovy ORM), Python, Docker, Compose, Kubernetes, Nginx, Node.js, Concourse CI and Jenkins.

Analytical software for online marketing purposes

map to buried treasure

01.2016 – 12.2016, Cologne

Company: FitnessClubs AV GmbH; Role: Software Developer/Architect (Fullstack); Type: Consulting Project

For a startup specialized in lead generation: a project for prototyping and developing an ERP system.

  • Development of a software and operations platform for lead collection, processing, and statistical reporting

  • Development of a responsive UI based on Bootstrap (CSS) for customers and company managers

  • Coordination of internal and external staff (IT, UX)

Important specification points contain:
  • System Technical Design / Architecture

  • Database Modeling and ORM Model

  • Migration of an existing (Apache, PHP-based) system to a new technology stack

  • Data migration to the new database model in production

  • Development of business logic

  • API integration with multiple foreign partners

  • High-availability cluster and hosting solution

Tech stack:
  • Pyramid (Python minimalistic framework for rapidly development)

  • Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, ReactJS (Landing pages)

  • Databases: MySQL, Redis, mysql

  • Languages: :ref:`it.tool.python`3, JavaScript, SQL

  • Other: Nginx, Debian GNU/Linux, Docker, Exim, Integration via API (mostly REST) with partners

Localized Online Shop and Warehouse Management System for the Global Market. 01.2013 – 12.2015

Company: … (Cologne); Role: Software Developer/Architect (Full Stack); Type: Consulting Project

Designed and developed an online shop and backend system as part of a small team, ensuring optimal product SEO, a lightweight interface, fast response times, and a fully responsive HTML5 layout. The company operates worldwide and aimed to adapt the entire system while simplifying the product publishing process. The shop’s front end was designed to be internationalized and localized, supporting multiple languages, currencies, warehouses, and tax management. The project required close collaboration within the small team to ensure seamless integration and efficient implementation.

Important specification points contain:

  • Localization of layout, sales processes, payments, taxes, and other features to enable full internationalization.

  • A modular design allowing the implementation of new frontends, for example, those tailored to the Asian market.

  • Initial themes (skins) for DE, RU, SP, and the rest of the EU (in English).

  • A back-office system to manage products, sales, and customers.

  • Migration of all orders and customer data from the current system to the new platform.

Tech stack:
  • Pyramid

  • Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS v1

  • Databases: ZODB (File Storage), PostgreSQL

  • Languages: Python 3.5, JavaScript, SQL

  • Other: Nginx, Debian GNU/Linux, LXC

Before 2015, I worked on projects as well as in regular positions

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map to buried treasure
map to buried treasure
map to buried treasure

2009 - 2014

  • Head of IT Department (regular job, leading a team of up to 10 people)

  • Automated competitor data monitoring alerts (project)

  • Team Lead and Core Developer (GIS project, PostGIS, GeoServer) https://mymir.org

  • CTO in a startup, leading a team of up to 10 people (regular job, eTargeting LLC, Cyprus)

  • Software Development Manager at eTargeting (regular job, Cyprus)

  • Senior Software Engineer (regular job) https://www.positiv-multimedia.de (Python, Zope, Plone, PHP)

  • Real Estate Exchange Portal (project)

  • Hosting Solution (project)

  • Python Component Framework (project)

I began writing code professionally in 2002, starting with C, ASP, PHP, and Java before quickly transitioning to Python and Zope, focusing on full-stack development and IT. To keep this profile concise, I have omitted older projects and job roles prior to 2014, but feel free to ask if you need additional details.